You are surfing the web, or driving by your favorite neighborhood and there you see it, a house you want to know about! It’s so exciting to see the opportunities! So, you pick up the phone or email the broker and ask about the property. You might even click on the link that says “request […]
Green Car Dealer in New Mexico!
Want to find a Green home for your new Green car?
#5 in a Series of 8 Articles – ACCENT PAINT COLORS (Yes/No & Placement)
A most definite YES!! Adding a “Pop of Color” with an Accent wall painted sporadically through-out a home (using one or two accent colors) can not only have an impact, but can create architectural interest – in addition to effecting one’s moods, emotions, blood pressure, etc. Even to the point of producing physical sensations such […]
Albuquerque Real Estate FAQ’s – Why do you always ask if I am prequalified?
Today I’m starting our Albuquerque Real Estate FAQ’s….a series of simple answers to often asked and seldom answered-in-plain-English questions about real estate. “Why do you always ask if I’m prequalified?” Let’s see, you call on a property and ask to see a home that you find on the Internet, or drive by – and the […]
Does a fresh coat of paint really make a difference when selling a home? Absolutely! It can hide a multitude of issues, as well as help make the home look and feel new. It is important that you use the correct type of paint – a flat finish thru-out the home and an enamel in […]