4 weeks before your move from your home you should be preparing the following: Arrange for change of address through USPS, to friends, subscriptions, financial institutions. Hold a garage sale if allowable in your area. Donate leftover items to charity. Moving gives you a perfect opportunity de-clutter and simplify your life! Contact utility companies and […]
Here’s what to do 6 weeks before your move to or from your Albuquerque home. Make a list of things that are valuable or difficult to replace. Plan on shipping these items by certified mail or carrying them with you. Start working your way through each room, taking inventory and planning what to get […]
You’ve heard it a million times – your home is your castle; it’s most likely the most valuable asset you own. There are many reasons that you sell a home Maybe you are selling your home to move on to a new home because you desire a larger home for your family, or perhaps you want to […]