Great buy in Four hills!
What are prices doing in Albuquerque?
Should we share SOLD and PENDING data?
There is a debate about whether we, as real estate professionals, should share SOLD and PENDING data so easily with the public. My view? Yes,and why not? We aren’t the gate keepers of the data so that customers need us just for this info. We are consultants. Our knowledge and training goes far beyond just […]
“But I’ve Got an Appraisal….”
My Facebook connection – what a great way to share information, news and updates with your friends. LINDA DEVLIEG REAL ESTATE
What happened while I wasn’t watching?
What the heck happened to gas prices in Albuquerque while I was at a real estate seminar? I leave at $1.49 a gallon and come back to $1.79 a gallon. Tell me there is a reason – good thing we work electronically so that driving isn’t so essential.
How do I get my home sold?
Selling Your Albuquerque home!
Here’s a brief overview of my Marketing Plan for getting your Albuquerque home sold – these are the basics of my Marketing strategy Get your own – Open publication
Fix it yourself!
In these days of low funds and needed home repairs, I came across this today (On Christmas Day) and fixed my own dishwasher. I’m one to have expensive home appliances. I like my kitchen looking like those that you see on and so my budget is usually spent on the appliance with nothing left […]