Active MLS Listings for Friday, August 21, 2009 Areas 10-121,130,140-162,170,180,210-293,690-760 Residential 6299 Res Detached 5398 Res Attached 637 Res Manufactured 264 Land 5655 Res Income 205 Commercial 166 Farm 22 Res Rental 114
Market stats for Albuquerque real estate
Active MLS Listings for Thursday, August 20, 2009 Areas 10-121,130,140-162,170,180,210-293,690-760 Residential 6294 Res Detached 5400 Res Attached 631 Res Manufactured 263 Land 5659 Res Income 204 Commercial 166 Farm 22 Res Rental 113
What did that house sell for?
Have questions about values before you commit to selling your Albuquerque home? What are homes selling for in the area? Here is a quick and easy, no pressure way, to find out if you need to take that next step to calling me to come see your home and get you the marketing plan best […]
Pushy Real Estate Agent
Music and real estate
Had an amazing time last evening watching YouTube videos of fantastic rock ‘n roll shows from the 60’s…wonderful music, and a wonderful time. Do you know how much a home cost back then? In New Mexico, the average price of a home was $76,900 – wow, amazing. Long term, your best investment is in your […]