This weekend I was engaged in a conversation with a buyer/client who was telling me things he saw on Zillow….and I had to keep interjecting ‘corrections’ to what they were seeing on Zillow. Most of their questions were about information that New Mexico doesn’t disclose in public records, and that Zillow is starting to put […]
What Is Your Albuquerque Home Value? I don’t know yet….and it’s not fair
…and I can’t tell you anything from a postcard. I confess. Our industry has been swamped with ‘automated home values.’ From Zillow, to Trulia, to Market Snapshot….they are everywhere! I have to admit, I have spent a fortune this year on subscribing to these services. You get a really nice postcard from me, and you […]
Southwest Gardening – and it’s not Zero-scaping – Albuquerque gardens!
It’s Xeriscaping and it can be fabulous! We live in the southwest and this means we have a great awareness for our water supply. The word “xeriscape” is from the Greek word ‘xeros’ which means dry. The term started to be used in the 1980’s to describe a form of gardening which could use plants […]
It’s a maxim in real estate that the three most crucial factors in selecting a house are “location, location, location.” It’s also true! No matter how wonderful the house is, the location is key to how well you’ll like living in it and how well it sells when you’re ready to move on. Before you […]
It’s a maxim in real estate that the three most crucial factors in selecting a house are “location, location, location.” It’s also true! No matter how wonderful the house is, the location is key to how well you’ll like living in it and how well it sells when you’re ready to move on. Before you […]